[Winona Online Democracy]

Janice asked about closed meetings / the Open Meeting
Law.  The article in this morning's Daily News (below)
speaks to that issue.  
might be a resource.

Another is the law itself

Craig Brooks

Story originally printed 8/3/04 in the Winona Daily
News or online at http://www.winonadailynews.com.com


City discusses Pelzer behind closed doors

By Jeff Dankert | Winona Daily News
The Winona City Council held a closed-door meeting
Monday night to discuss required eminent domain
litigation against Key Real Estate with regard to the
Pelzer Street reconstruction project.

Richard Blahnik, city attorney, said Monday he
believed the attorney-client privilege exception to
the state open meetings law allowed the city to close
the meeting to the public. Blahnik and the city are
the attorney and client in this case.

However, Mark Anfinson, an attorney who represents the
Minnesota Newspaper Association, said the city's
notice and Blahnik's justification is a "garden
variety" violation of the open meeting law, as courts
have interpreted it in recent cases.

"I really think this is beyond the boundaries of the
attorney-client privilege exception," he said. "I
think the meeting should be open."

The closed meeting concerned possible action the city
would take, Blahnik said. The city, with help of
engineering and property consultants, is acquiring
private land along each side of Pelzer and a section
of U.S. Highway 14 to widen the route.

The city has not filed a court document, he said.

"It's a question of whether in fact there should be
action initiated by the city," he said before the
meeting. "The city staff is of the opinion that there
should be litigation initiated. I would presume that
probably that will be the conclusion of the council as
well, but it's a matter of listening to the facts and
determining whether in fact litigation should be

The council cannot authorize pursuit of litigation
behind closed doors, Blahnik said. If it decides to
pursue litigation, it will make the decision in an
open meeting, and available court documents are open
to public and media examination.

During the City Council meeting Monday night, council
members voted to proceed with litigation.

Anfinson said litigation had yet to begin and
therefore, Monday's closed meeting does not meet the
exception to the open meeting law.

"Unfortunately the law is sufficiently complicated so
nobody, except in very rare cases, can say absolutely
(the city) is wrong," Anfinson said.

Anfinson and his client, Prior Lake American
newspaper, won a case two years before the Minnesota
Supreme Court. Six of seven judges voted that the
Prior Lake City Council had violated state law when it
closed a meeting and claimed attorney-client

"It made it crystal clear in my judgment that the
scope of this exception (attorney-client) is intended
to be very narrow and except in rare cases cannot be
used unless the public officials are talking about
specific litigation tactics," Anfinson said.

The state open meeting law intends to make government
workings transparent and detectable by the public, in
other words, defends the public's right to know what
its government is doing. The court said in the Prior
Lake ruling there must be a clear need for "absolute
confidence" in order to close a meeting to protect
attorney-client privilege.

Under the Pelzer Street project proposal, the city
will widen Pelzer to four lanes and build a bridge
over the railroad tracks near the intersection of
Pelzer and Theurer Boulevard. The plan is an outgrowth
of a citywide transportation study by consultants and
the Minnesota Department of Transportation.

Two consulting firms are helping the city acquire the
43 pieces of private property needed to expand the
traffic corridor. Project consultants will hold
another public open house and answer questions from
12:30 to 4 p.m. Wednesday at City Hall, 207 Lafayette

Contact reporter Jeff Dankert at (507) 453-3513, or


All stories copyright 2000, 2001, 2002 Winona Daily
News and other attributed sources.

--- Janice Turek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> [Winona Online Democracy]
> Thank you Tim on the clarifications regarding
> meetings.  I am sure as time
> goes on and different meetings are held this
> information will continue to be
> helpful not only in this discussion but in others as
> well.  I am wondering
> if you have more specific information or guidelines,
> or know where I may get
> them regarding closed meetings, notification of
> meetings, and open public
> meetings. Does anyone on WOD know where a person not
> on a government council
> or committee can get these guidelines, online or
> otherwise.  Thanks Janice
> Turek



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