I wrote an app that uses WinPacap ver. 2.3 (I use Packet.dll and Packet.sys and do not go through the API) to capture packets and if the TCP port matches a certain value than it writes a new packet that closes the connection (it's not a DoS tool, it's ment to be a intrusion prevention and access control tool so don't bite my head off yet). Form time to time I get a STOP fatal error on my W2K Server, the message error was that the irq was less or not equal to...or something like that, it was acompanied by a blue screen and a memory dump). I read in a previous post that this problem is not a singularity and that it has been fixed. Could it be that I am doing something worng (i.e try to write while reading or something like that?)
I did take some precautions in my app so I don't step over my own toes (a flag that is set when I read and prevents my write to occur) but this thing still occured.

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