Well, WinPcap 3.0 is backward compatible with 2.3.
I suggested you to wpdpack 3.0a since we have corrected some bugs in the examples, and we have added a brand new HTML documentation and tutorial.
Regarding the crashes, on which network adapter are you using winpcap to send packets? Is it ethernet or PPP? Or anything else?
PS. Why are you using the packet API? We usually suggest users to use the pcap API, which we think is much more simple, and yet powerful.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 3:12 PM
Subject: Re: [WinPcap-users] I got a Blue Screen of Death on my W2K Server while using WinPcap ver 2.3

well, I don't use the wpcap library (u know... pcap_open_live and stuff), I use only the functions exported by the packet.dll
I have both 2.3 and 3.0a but the packet.dll doesn't seem to know about all the functions from ver. 2.3...how come? isn't there a backward compatibility?
what do you mean by upgrading the wdpack? I've donwloaded both versions couple of weeks ago...
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 04:03 PM
Subject: Re: [WinPcap-users] I got a Blue Screen of Death on my W2K Server while using WinPcap ver 2.3

Try winpcap 3.0alpha (remember to upgrade the developers' pack, too).
PS. What do you mean by "I use Packet.dll and packet.sys and do not go through the API"?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 2:18 PM
Subject: [WinPcap-users] I got a Blue Screen of Death on my W2K Server while using WinPcap ver 2.3

I wrote an app that uses WinPacap ver. 2.3 (I use Packet.dll and Packet.sys and do not go through the API) to capture packets and if the TCP port matches a certain value than it writes a new packet that closes the connection (it's not a DoS tool, it's ment to be a intrusion prevention and access control tool so don't bite my head off yet). Form time to time I get a STOP fatal error on my W2K Server, the message error was that the irq was less or not equal to...or something like that, it was acompanied by a blue screen and a memory dump). I read in a previous post that this problem is not a singularity and that it has been fixed. Could it be that I am doing something worng (i.e try to write while reading or something like that?)
I did take some precautions in my app so I don't step over my own toes (a flag that is set when I read and prevents my write to occur) but this thing still occured.

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