On 17/02/2017 12:18, Germano Massullo wrote:
Il 05/02/2017 11:57, nemesis ha scritto:
- nextcloud (fork di owncloud con federazione): https://nextcloud.com/
nextcloud è più di un semplice fork. Per farla breve è come Libreoffice
i cui sviluppatori provengono da Openoffice

Dear friends,

we need some clearness in the terms. Thanks to Germano.
OpenOffice is now Oracle. LibreOffice is free and open and indpendent.

The InterNet, the Inter-connection of local Net-works, is the transportsystem for digital data in packet form. From there the name. But, because we speak about "Net" and the net-topolgy don't exist in the telecommunication, we don't have an InterNet. We have to create it.

Nextcloud is lying in the application layer and therefore have nothing to do with the InterNet. And if we create our local networks, our community networks, we install the servers in this local networks. Then we don't need "NextCloud".

greetings, willi

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