Hey all,

Wt 2.2.2 was released, and, if it weren't better than 2.2.1 we would
not have done that.

Not only have we fixed quite some little bugs in various places, but
there are also some new classes and features:

 - WTreeView (and WAbstractItemModel) now have support for drag and
drop: a selection of items can be dragged,
   and things (including but not limited to item selections) can be
dropped onto an item.
 - WSortFilterProxyModel implements a sorting/filtering proxy model
 - WLoadingIndicator allows the loading indicator to be customized
(and two variants are distributed in the library)
 - WPopupMenu and WPopupMenuItem implement typical context popup menu
(and sub menus)
 - The WidgetSet mode allows you to embed a Wt 'applet' inside an
existing web page or application

And Wt turns 3 years old today (still enjoying a fast growth rate!).


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