To clarify Rennie's comment...


Yes, you will need a custom action, but not one that you code manually.
The already available "Type 51" custom action (see the <CustomAction>
element, specifically the "Property" attribute) should be able to handle
what you need if the user just enters the server name. (I.e it should be
possible to build the actual URL - the value attribute would contain
something like "tcp://[USER_ENTERED_SERVER_NAME_PROPERTY]:11232/",
possibly using other properties for the protocol and port areas.)


Of course, this may not be appropriate in your scenario, but I'd
certainly recommend it over a string manipulation custom action you
create yourself.






[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rennie
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2007 7:57 AM
To: Rik;
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] WiX and string formatting


I believe that you will need a custom action.


WiX creates MSIs. It does not replace or enhance Windows Installer, and
it is Windows Installer that drives the UI during the installation.






        From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rik
        Sent: 24. maj 2007 11:49
        Subject: [WiX-users] WiX and string formatting

        Hi All,
        Does anyone know if it is possible to format strings via WiX?
        I'd like to be able to manipulate a string entered via the UI so
that it conforms to a certain format.  The scenario I have is that I
have a URL value that I want to insert a port number into).  
        E.g. from 
        I figured I'd have to use some sort of custom action for this,
but thought I'd check if WiX handled this sort of stuff...

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