Hello all,

We have recently been having issues with our COM interface and the
finger was pointed at the installers as ever. It seems in vista being
logged in as an Administrator doesn't mean what it once did. Most
programs are run by default as a user, you have to right click and "run
as administrator" then sign you name in blood and answer a phone in
central park within 5 minutes. When our software is run by a user it
uses some other virtual store hive that obviously doesn't contain the
COM registration for our product. All is well if you run as

More details about this registry lark here:


I suspect that I am registering the interfaces incorrectly. I'm adding
all of the details manually (CLSID, TYPELIB blah blah blah) maybe there
is a COM registration component I'm not aware of that would take care of
this. If not then I'm not sure where the fix should be, should I be
adding this data to the registry with different permission levels or is
the problem in the software in the way we read from the registry (with a
KEY_READ which gets no redirection or KEY_ALL_ACCESS which gets the
redirection and make KEY_READ kind of pointless)

I look forward to your response (Mike or Bob ;) )


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