Ah, something I want to know as well. Since a few of my clients had requested to be updated to 2.7 RC1+ it would be nice to know if I'll be doing the update to 2.7-final automatically or manually (auto-updating to the final should be fine as I can't imagine there's any major changes from the current trunk to the final version).

On 12/7/2008 1:40 PM, Xavier Borderie wrote:
After 2.7 is installed, and before 2.7.1 (yes 2.7.1) is released, what will
happen if a user clicks the Upgrade Automatically button?  Or will that
button be visible?

Like wise, an interrogation of mine : if we upgrade blogs to 2.7-rc1
now, they will update to the latest trunk, which is normal and
But what will happen once 2.7 is released? Will these users' installs
of 2.7 still be fetching files from trunk, or does it stop there and
only uses /tags from there on?

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