Unless I'm grossly mistaken, the ".# " versions are built on an "as needed" basis due to new security issues popping up (zero day hacks and the like) and/or a major issue or issues are found with the 2.7 series. Once a milestone release goes "gold" it shifts from trunk to branch and minor security/bug fix updates are made from that particular branch. There's no continuous development once 2.7-final is released and goes to branch that I know of.

On 12/8/2008 4:38 AM, Xavier Borderie wrote:
Okay, but what about when 2.7 is installed and before 2.7.1 becomes
available, what will normal (not testers) users see?

Well then you wouldn't be on trunk anymore, so I'm guessing there is
no development version for 2.7.x once 2.7 goes gold.
Unless, if course, a "2.7-dev" code exists :)

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