I don't think its Mon at this point. there aren't any closed loops
on the rounded characters which about half the Mon char. have.

I've checked the Mon character set, and while similiar, I can't find
any truly matching chars.

It almost appears to be a Burmese rendering of the Khmer or Tham script.
It seems certain to be one of the Brahmi based scripts, but
there are so many possibilities, I really don't know.

On the Pali text website, the text they call Burmese doesnt
have the Mon 'e loops' either, but it isnt quite like yours as well.
there may be a Burmese Pali script or a Burmese version of Sanskrit
whose character set is harder to find.

With a syllabic language like this whose characters are more or less
interchangeable, I could imagine there might be some odd syncretic
hybrids that only an expert would be able to recognize. it may
not be anything like that at all, but I just couldnt see any matches
except for a few base characters.

very puzzling. maybe i just didnt look at it long enough.
I'll try printing these out maybe so i can turn them around
in different directions easier.

I'm not sure - it's definitely not Himilayan (or from that region) -
Burmese with some sort of diacritical marks seems most likely, since
Pali also used the script (or a variant, I think Mon) - Alan

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