Hello Universal,
It was foretold that on 18-2-2004 @ 08:44:44 GMT+1100 (which was
22:44:44 where I live) Universal Head would mumble:
<snipped a bit>

UH> does anyone really think that getting things spot on for 
UH> Opera is important? Hasn't this browser got a miniscule user base? And
UH> Opera seems to give me almost as many problems as IE anyway.
Opera adheres far more to the W3C specs then IE does. If you use the
css according to the specs, it's easy to have your page look right in
Opera. Normally, one has to use hacks, tricks,... to let IE behave
accordingly. The right thing to do is set your css and test in Opera
and then look what's wrong in IE. You then "tweak" your css so IE
get's it right. If you just code for IE and then try to make it look
the same way in Opera you're basically starting with wrong css rules and
that's much harder to clean up.

One tiny example is the fact that each browser has "margins" by
default on the body element. Opera uses for the "margin" a padding of
8px while IE uses margin indeed. Opera uses the padding instead of
margin because of a W3R recommendation. So to overcome the problem,
you set a padding:0 and margin:0 to the body element to let the
browsers start from the same point.

Now, if one only wants the page to look "good" in IE and doesn't bother
if the css is used accordingly to the W3S specs, then it's simple ;-)

But if one decides to go on that road, it's a real problem when IE
adheres more to the specs in future versions -:)

So, to sum up: if one cares to use the css correctly, code for Opera
(or moz for that matter) first and then bother with IE.
Best regards,


Powered by The Bat! version 1.63 Beta/7 with Windows 2000 (build
2195), version 5.0 Service Pack 4 and using the best browser: Opera.

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