Hi Peters,

Welcome to the list. That is one of our aims here - to keep it informative
but also as friendly as possible. We have designers and developers with a
very wide range of skills and skill levels. But we are all in the same web
standards boat  :)

The best quote on friendly attitude would have to be Eric Meyer's:

The thing about CSS is that it's a tool.  It's a very powerful tool, one
that has the potential to become even more powerful and therefore useful,
but it's still a tool.  People should of course always use the best tool for
a job, whatever it might be, and the expert ought to help others use the
tool better. But no matter how skilled you are with a tool, you shouldn't
use it to hit other people.


> I have noticed that this list seem does seem pretty friendly, glad I happen
> to stuble acrossed it.

The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

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