I am using Firefox and IE6 on win2k and i don't see a difference.

Aside from that, why would pixel-precision be needed on such an open layout? I mean, there aren't even any borders or anything.

Also, it would help to show us the page using all css, not the tables version.

BTW, even with tables, sites will look differently on different browsers. You speak of having to use hacks to get CSS to render correctly in all browsers. I think using a spacer.gif would be considered a hack. Tables display just as differently as CSS can. Different browsers sometimes handle table heights and widths differently. Some may measure cellpadding or spacing differently.

Hacks are only used in certain instances, and there are ways to work around most hacks, especially BMH.

Though again, I go back to the fact that the layout of the site you linked to does not really scream pixel precision to me.
Jeremy Flint

John Penlington wrote:
Forgive my frustration, but after a couple of months with this Discussion List I've formed the opinion no browser will display web standards - every one of them requires hacks of some kind.
I test on Win XP Pro with IE6 and Firefox - as well as on a new eMac with Safari and IE5(Mac).
_All my earlier web sites with tables rather than CSS 2 display quite well on all four browsers_.
When I try to code for Web Standards, I get a medley of results. Hence my opinion that no browser complies completely.
Now the crunch: I'm building a site for a photographer who wants pixel-precision layout on _all_ browsers. At least we achieved it on IE6 with no tables, just CSS styling.
I'm aware that I shouldn't have done that, but please read on.
After two weeks of frustration trying to get it to work _precisely_ on the other browsers, I've finally resorted to tables and yes, wicked me, even a spacer gif.
The home page (with inactive links) is at:
www.bluemountainsgardener.info/hobbs/index.asp <http://www.bluemountainsgardener.info/hobbs/index.asp>
and the CSS is at:
www.bluemountainsgardener.info/hobbs/dhpg_style_tables.css <http://www.bluemountainsgardener.info/hobbs/dhpg_style_tables.css>
The display my client wants is exactly what you'll see with IE6.
What he doesn't want is what you'll see on Safari, Firefox and IE5(Mac).
The page validates for both XHTML 1.0 Transitional and CSS. Even the Unordered List menu breaks on IE5(Mac).
Can anyone tell me why my _valid_ (XHTML and CSS) page displays _so differently_ in those four browsers - two of which are supposed to follow Web Standards closely (Firefox and Safari)?
Where is my code sub-standard if it validates for both XHTML and CSS?
What do I need to do to get it to display roughly the same on all four browsers? Please don't tell me to use CSS 2 - I tried that and it simply didn't work !! The variations were unacceptable despite all the hacks I could find.
I know I'll be shot down in flames for raising this, but I really want to code for Web Standards and the frustration for me and my client is very real !!
I'm sure I'm not alone, but I'm keen to persevere.
Thanks to you all for such a helpful List.
John Penlington
web developer
The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
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