On 07/04/2004, at 5:50 PM, Leo J. O'Campo wrote:

Maybe we as a standard based community should knock on $MS's door and shout "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going take it anymore."

Pffft. A bunch of web standards geeks like us (no matter how large, it's still just a tiny fraction of the entire web community) will have no impact whatsoever on MS's plans in regards to IE.

For starters, MS will only pay attention to something which will increase or protect it's market share... with their market share up over 90% somewhere, they don't really need to do either. It would take a substantial shift of users away from IE (we're talking *millions*) before MS could even *begin* to care.

Secondly, it's widely known and reported that IE is a dead weight. The new "browser" in the next generation MS OS will be fully integrated. I can't imagine MS spending any time on improving IE when they (and us) know it's headed for the scrap heap.

The best to expect (IMHO) is security fixes.

Justin French

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