On 14/05/2004, at 1:31 PM, Michael Kear wrote:

Then for me, when the time comes to do a brand new site, I find all those
ideas vanish from my mind and all I can think of is a boring site just like
all the others I've done. It can take AGES to think of a concept for a new

How do you 'designer people' handle this? Do you keep it all in your head?
Or do you have some kind of notebook or snippet system to hold all those
neat tricks somewhere for when you can use them another day?

When I'm designing / developing a site, my ideas are all usually spawned out of necessity -- like a client request (or general need) for pull-quotes or blockquotes.

As a designer, it would then be up to me to design a method for marking up and styling those quotes appropriately for the project/page in question. To do this I would draw on years of web surfing and design work for inspiration, and blend it with the branding and identity of the current project.

You might find it useful to bookmark pages which have "cool tricks" you use later (naming them "cool blockquotes" rather than "DigitalWeb"), or even organise a whole bunch of screen grabs in a folderd.

But personally, I'd find very little satisfaction drawing inspiration directly from bookmarks. I'd much rather take every pull-quote I've ever seen, throw them all in a blender, and come up with my OWN solution appropriate to the job at hand.

--- Justin French http://indent.com.au

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