On 19/05/2004, at 11:59 PM, Rimantas Liubertas wrote:

Opera will never do it.  The UI is butt ugly, the usability is woeful,
and the whole thing feels a whole lot cheaper.\

Have you seen opera 7.50? And opera on mobile phones is reality, not something "will never do it".

The only way I can see a browser beating IE is if it looks, feels and
behaves like IE in every way possible. They don't need to reinvent the
wheel in terms of UI design and interaction -- they need to mirror it,

Oh, please. I've swithced to FireFox (Firebird then) a year ago just because
it looks, feels and behaves way better than IE. And even before the switch
I've been using NetCaptor (commercial software), which added some features
to IE.
I got those for free with Mozilla.

Which was the last version of Mozilla/Opera you have tried to use?

You're missing the point. If Opera and or Mozilla want to TAKE MARKET SHARE FROM HAPPY IE USERS, then they won't be able to do it by alienating the potential user with a brand new interface to learn. Essentially, this would of course be a backward step for Opera and Mozilla in some ways (giving up on some of their innovations and UI concepts) but the reality here is that for Opera and Mozilla to take a share of the IE market, they need to make the transition easy.

"Just like Explorer, but safer."
"Just like Explorer, but faster."
"Just like Explorer, but better."
"Just like Explorer, but secure."

... would all be a perfect concepts for a browser trying to steal people out of the IE market. Much more effective than:

"Opera. A whole new way to surf the web."

Of course it'd still have to remain free, and they'll never be able to overcome the fact that IE will be bundled / integrated into Windows forever :)

Justin French

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