
The portability of URI's is an important point here: as discussed, if a web developer wants to move from X to Y server side language yet retain the URL stucture then this is the way to go, in Apache it's just a simple matter of telling it how to handle certain extension-less files.
That said, you should be able to set up a server to handle PHP scripts with .cfm extensions via the PHP interpreter and vice versa (as an example).

I wrote an article over at the Sydney PHP Group on doing this with Apache, shared hosting or otherwise, questions welcome offlist or post to that group.



Anders Nawroth wrote:

Michael Kear wrote:

What’s the point of doing this? Saving 4 characters per image as a way of reducing bandwidth? Is there any other purpose?


There is another purpose.

See this W3C Note:

"Serve static content without file extension CM
The reason why one should serve static content without file extension is similar to the reason stated above : the content manager may, at some point, want to change the document format used to serve a resource, yet the resource would remain "equivalent". For example, switching from an image file format to an equivalent format, or switching from plain text to HTML...
File extensions should therefore be hidden for static content, using content-negotiation (see Guideline 7: Server-driven content negotiation.), proxying or URI mapping technologies."

The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

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