On Sat, 17 Jul 2004 09:52:55 -0700, Tricia Fitzgerald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What about a more central USA location like Chicago, IL?

I suspect we'll end up having a whole bunch of regional meetings if
this is going to happen at all. I'm in the Bay Area, California and
Sacramento is *just* within reasonable reach to hold an evening
meeting, for *some* parts of the Bay Area. San Francisco is more
central (indeed, BACFUG - Bay Area ColdFusion User Group - meets in SF
and gets folks from Sacramento sometimes even tho' they have their own

I can see a Bay Area WSG meeting drawing folks from all over the Bay
Area - Sacramento to San Jose and maybe a little further afield. I can
also see an Orange County WSG meeting drawing folks from the greater
LA area and down as far as San Diego.

I don't see folks from the West Coast going to Chicago just for a WSG
meeting - a full-blown two day conference maybe, but not just a
meeting. Same with the East Coast folks (there should be a good
concentration of them to make a 'local' DC-based meeting worthwhile
I'd expect).

Question to Peter - is the city/state level membership information
available in aggregate so we can figure out what might work for
regional US meetings?
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