Couple of real quick guesses:

1. You have both those classes styled with text-decoration: none. As they're not links, that's redundant. Remove those styles.
2. Try giving the classes in question declared widths.
3. Actually, it may be the z-index value for the containing #information - ? It's 2am here and I'm fading...

My approach would be to pare down the css to the minimum that's required to make the page structure work, then add presentational declarations back in one at a time until those two classes disappear...

A passing comment: while all your credits and comments in the stylesheet are nice, they're making the stylesheet for what is a clean simple page of code somewhat bloated... By all means include brief notes to ID the hacks you're using, but these mini-essays defeat the purpose of using XHTML to de-bloat your code - don't you think?

And while you're cutting bloat, all those 0px values can be just 0. 0 is 0, whether it's px, ems, or anything else.

Oh, and try using relative font sizes, rather than px; Windows users can't resize your type if they want to when you use 11px as a font size.

Omnivision. Websight.

On Thursday, Aug 12, 2004, at 00:42 Australia/Sydney, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


This site looks exactly as I want it in Firefox but in IE the Vistor
Number and Site Version Number don't appear, although you can see the
entries in the source code!!

I have validated the XHTML and CSS.

Can anyone shed any light on what I am missing here or which IE bug I
have hit?



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