I was wrong on all 3 counts. It's the IE Peekaboo bug; add height:1% to your .credit declaration and the two floated classes appear... but the black border of #information is then affected... bugger. It's too late in the day; I'll have another look tomorrow, if someone hasn't already come up with a simple and elegant solution - which they will... Love this list.

Omnivision. Websight.

On Thursday, Aug 12, 2004, at 00:42 Australia/Sydney, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

site: http://www.college.gameplan.org.uk
css: http://www.college.gameplan.org.uk/college.css

This site looks exactly as I want it in Firefox but in IE the Vistor
Number and Site Version Number don't appear, although you can see the
entries in the source code!!

I have validated the XHTML and CSS.

Can anyone shed any light on what I am missing here or which IE bug I
have hit?



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