On Sunday, Aug 29, 2004, at 17:08 Australia/Sydney, Kim Kruse wrote:

I'm using the ALA tab menu (sliding doors) as my main nav. Now I've been told that it breaks in Mac/IE5 into something like this... left tab img - the link - right tab img. Is it possible to get it right in Mac/IE5.2?

Hi Kim

Your menu looks just the same in IE5.2.2/Mac as it does in Safari or Firefox. I've sent you a screenshot offlist to see, as there's one little layout anomaly in IE you should see...

BTW, I've used the Sliding Doors tabs on a site I built too, and I noticed that IE - both Mac and Win - doesn't support the image change on hover - although the 'on' state is highlighted OK, and the text link changes colour OK. I've given up trying to work out why, and put it down to 'graceful degradation'. Anyone else got any clues?


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