.mov is QuickTime and Windows users are as likely to download and install that 
as Mac users are to install Windows Media Player. And even if you use Windows 
Media Player, the issue of codecs remains - not all codecs are available for 
the Mac and some do not play at all or play the video with no audio. Camtasia 
is a case in point.

In the absence of a common format, I always offer .wmv, .mov and .rm (Real 
Player). Offering the choice takes up very little bandwidth and at least you 
know that everyone can view your videos.

You could sniff for the OS and serve accordingly, or you could allow users to 
choose. If you choose the latter, you need to specify which format works with 
which platforms as many users don't know.

Hope this helps.


On Wednesday, 17 November 2004 7:48 AM, Amit Karmakar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I dont know a whole lot about video stuff but I agree with Terrence
>and though Windows media is available for Mac OS, very few would
>install in let alone use it! .mov is a better way of going about
>On Tue, 16 Nov 2004 12:28:34 -0800 (PST), Edwin Horneij
>> --- brian cummiskey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > I'm producing a small video, and per request, he wants it in wmv
>> > format.
>> >
>> > What's the extent of apple/linux guys being able to view this format?
>> >
>> > are their codecs for non-windows systems?
>> There actually is a version of Windows Media Player (under that name,
>> cognitive dissonance notwithstanding) for the Mac.
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