Some of us are pretty impressed and even mystified at the guy's technical creativity at utilising standards-based techniques to achieve the effects of the diver and the light and the bubbles and the crab.

It is that sense of seeing art at the cutting-edge of science that makes us go "wow".

Sure, we've all seem much more impressive deep diver ocean scenes, but using only HTML and CSS?

Could the people who think it is so non-wow, please explain to us in a few simple words, how it is done? Then I am going to do something similar by afternoon-tea time....


At 11:57 AM 18/12/2004, JohnyB wrote:
I know I'm way out on a limb with this one, but the ocean thing really
doesn't do anything for me... The diver/flashlight effect is cool
(even though it looks a bit nasty as it goes over the gradient) and
the rendered ocean floor has really nice lighting, but besides that...

I have to agree with your post, Andrew.

This is quite interesting toy for playing, but the overall look'n'feel really doesn't seem "wow" to me...

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