Thanks Philippe

Safari then is not as standards compliant as Mozilla/Firefox and Opera, at least in this instance:

My interpretation: id and class are case sensitive in HTML. For these attributes, CSS is also case sensitive. if that interpretation is correct, perhaps Apple ought to be told :-)

Still, it can be overcome by combining with * html - see test page at

I've tested that setup in MSIE5/5.5/6, Opera 5/6/7, Netscape 6/7 and Firefox (all on PC). All showed the correct box size.

#nav { width: 180px; padding: 10px }
* html #Nav { width: 200px }

IE Mac should ignore the second rule (per your tests). IE6 PC and non IE browsers on PC ignores it too.

Safari hopefully will play ball too now. Any other (reasonably new) browsers I should be aware of? (I don't have a Mac or Linux system)

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