On 28 Jan 2005, at 01:28, Mike Pepper wrote:

Take a look at some fought over keyphrases like 'website development' in
Google UK. You'll find many sites spamming with irrelevant <noscript>,
off-screen absolute positioned text, minute text, hidden layers, even some
cretins with WOW (white-on-white) text.

And you know what? Google doesn't do a damn thing about it.

I think that's a bit unfair. It's a bit like complaining that the police do nothing about crime in your area when none of the residents can be bothered to report it.

If you see a site which use dubious methods to gain a ranking advantage, contact Google and complain. I've a friend who's a professional SEO and one of the main things he and many of his colleagues do is report dubious sites. If after a month or so nothing has been done about it, then complain about it.

Andy Budd


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