I posted a few days ago, about this puzzler. Didn't get a response. I REALLY need some help with this from you gurus.

I primarily code for Firefox, then check other browsers, then IE6. The majority of users who will view the pages on this site are IE users, however, the fact that I see this rendering problem on the Gecko browsers is really bothering me. The pages validate XHTML 1.1; CSS validation comes back with no errors.

I use the same style sheet for both pages. Both pages reference the same DIVs for navigation and the content area. For some reason that I can't fathom, the events page shows a gap between the nav bar (nav) and the content area (containall). The home page does not show this gap. I've checked and rechecked, changed this and that, to no avail.

This only appears to be a problem with Firefox and other Gecko browsers (Opera too). IE6 renders fine.

Can anyone please help me figure this out?

URL for problem page:

URL for CSS:

The links for the dates on the calendars are not working yet; I haven't set them up -- I'm too hung up on this issue right now.

If anyone can help, I'd be soooo thankful.

Leslie Riggs

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