Kornel Lesinski wrote:
I don't think that definition list can replace that either.

"Foo" does not define "11".
It's just supposed to be 11th element of some list.

However, the spec is soo vague with regards to the true semantics of DL, that the above use seems, if not ideal, at least passable. If you consider the W3C example of marking up a dialog with DL, you could also argue that a speaker's lines don't define the speaker (unless we want to get metaphysical about "define").

In short, I'd class this as another one of those cases where the restrictive options provided by (X)HTML can't always be used to unequivocally mark up real world content...

Patrick H. Lauke
reÂdux (adj.): brought back; returned. used postpositively
[latin : re-, re- + dux, leader; see duke.]
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