
Long-time lurker, first time poster. I'm debugging a
just-about-to-go-live site, and have run up against something I've
never seen before. The problem has to do with a disappearing background
image in Safari/Mozilla. It shows in IE, and I can make it show in
Safari/Moz if I change the structure around, which causes new problem
in ie... The structure goes like this:

...a bunch of other stuff...

With this setup, the home-bg is visible in ie, but not safari/moz. If I
do this:

...a bunch of other stuff...
</home-bg> - note this is now below the footer

home-bg is visible in all browsers, but sticks down a couple pixels
below the footer in ie.

The page validates (except for some soon-to-come flash-satay cooking),
as does the css. I'm stumped. Anyone?

ps. I know there are other accessibility issues with the site, which
will be addressed once I get the home page working.


Peter Flaschner
Flashlight Design

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