Hi all,

Jumping in on all these architectural analogies... nobody seems to
have made this point: ultimately EVERYONE has some level of
responsibility, since everyone is and will remain involed.

Let's continue the analogy, for a new building:

1) The government sets out physical access requirements for buildings
in broad terms (there are also other bodies which produce building
standards but we'll keep this simple). Web equivalent is the W3C.
Their responsibility is to get the standards right and communicate
them in such a manner that people know what to do. They also need to
keep things in the realm of possibility - W3C has a checkpoint to
ensure that a proposed standard is actually possible, governments do
not specify that venues provide levitating wheelchairs.

2) The architects (and possibly structural engineers) have to
interpret the standards and apply them correctly in the design for the
building. They will have to find the balance between the goals of the
building and the many standards the building will have to meet. They
also have to make sure the building won't fall down ;) The architect
will probably also have to wrangle the interior decorators to ensure
their wonderful additions don't contravene critical requirements.

The web equivalent is the web developer, who has to sit between the
client, the W3C, the graphic designer and the application
developers/programmers. Some people might call this the Web Producer,
but most of us don't get the lofty title nor the lofty pay ;)

3) Then the builders/tradespeople come into the picture. They are
responsible for the actual physical creation of the building according
to the plan. If they don't follow the plan they have failed in their
own responsibility (ignoring the legal horrors of real-world
architecture). Web equivalent is the web/application developer(s) who
actually put the whole thing together.

4) The government inspects and enforces the standards. This area is
starting to take shape for the web, with test cases appearing in
various countries. It is a very weak area, though.

5) Then the public comes into the building. They will be arriving in
wheelchairs which don't levitate, shoes with no grip, they might be
drunk, who knows. Nobody who built the place can make them all wear
decent shoes (so they don't slip on the stairs) nor can they make
everyone's wheelchair levitate. Ultimately people should be allowed to
choose whatever shoes they wear. But, they also have to accept falling
down if they turn up drunk wearing shoes with no grip.

The shoe/wheelchair manufacturers might be grossly negligent but
they'll get away with it. Just like browser manufacturers get away
with failure to comply with standards.

No matter how well any one group/individual conforms to the overall
goals; they will always have a responsibility since their part of the
process must still be done well.

Even if wheelchairs do start levitating, buildings will have to be
designed and built with enough space allowed for them to fly around.
Nobody will ever become free of responsibility.


1) The W3C will always have to make good standards and update them.
2) Clients will always have to resource projects well enough to
facilitate compliance.
3) Web developers will always have to apply standards properly.
4) User Agent manufacturers will always have to conform to standards.
5) Users will always have to maintain a reasonable level of technology
to make use of the standards.

The problem right now? Only (1) and (3) are currently happening with
any level of success; with (3) carrying the hardest tasks.

It's unfair but life is not fair. That's why web developers and
architects like to go to the pub ;)


--- <http://cheshrkat.blogspot.com/>
--- The future has arrived; it's just not 
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson
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