Alan Trick wrote:
I just found you that the style attribute is depreciated in xhtml 1.1. Does this mean that it will eventually be obolete? If so, what do they expect us to do for inline styles because it doesn't always make sense to have everything in an external style sheet.

Well, unless they deprecate this also: <style type="text/css"> /*<![CDATA[*/ @media screen { .int01 {background-color: #def; clear: right;} .int03 {margin-top: 15px;} ....... } /*]]>*/ </style> ...I'll keep page-specific styles in the page head. Makes more sense no matter what DTD I code in accordance to, since it's a real, compact, stylesheet that follows the page.

Sidenote: I've observed some buggy behavior with inline-styles, as they
are sometimes ignored if I use a stylesheet switcher. This may cause
positioning-errors and alike, with no cross-browser predictability.
Styles in the head are working reliable though.

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