Hello Robin,
As is customary, I ran your site through the W3C validator. It shows that there is no doctype declaration, and there are 13 validation errors, most related to the lack of a doctype declaration. Fixing those might not fix your problem but it'll ensure your code is more standards compliant and clean, so it's a good start.

Leslie Riggs


I've got a 3-column layout, with dropdown menus, here:


The left & right cols are floated. This seems to work ok in IE, Moz & Firefox on PC 
and Moz & NN7 on Mac. Safari doesn't like it, however and pops the left col out to the 
right side of the layout. The rest then follows underneath as normal.

If I remove the navbars5.css, which is used to style the menus, then the 
columns behave as they should. My guess is that something floated in 
navbars5.css needs clearing - have tried this, to no avail. Not sure why it 
only affects Safari.

Any suggestions appreciated.


Robin Gallagher

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