Vaska, you¨re still mixing those:

I think you are mixing two things which should be separated.

The first problem is the language of the page (defined in the header)
The second problem is how to create a non-ascii character

He is right.

I've already identified that I will be using utf-8. And I've accepted use of xml:lang/lang: in both the header and on the individual form elements (as necessary) - what am I still mixing on this issue? Am I missing something more obvious?

No, the browser will. It will send the characters in the encoding (charset, not language!) of the page.

Thanks, I understand what's going on with this now. I was really just curious how it was dealt with - I don't believe it changes anything on the server-end (and didn't think it would).

You mention the use of Unicode...perhaps I'm way out there on this point but am I not allowed to assume that the user will be using unicode to input their data? I know it's a web browser, but is there some way I can restrict their input to unicode (the page xml:lang that is)? If they enter something else, it likely won't work. Perhaps this is where I'm still 'mixing' things up?

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