
> I guess I cannot communicate what I mean.
> I have an image on my own website of a sunset.
> I put it in the banner div as an image and set the width to 100%.
> I am perfectly happy with it, it looks good and stretches to fit all
> resolutions. There is nothing wrong with it at all.
> At 1024 it fills the monitor to both edges, and does the same at 800 with no
> scroll bars.

You can't do that with a background-image. CSS3 will (probably) have
some properties to control the size of background-images.

There were some proposals how to circumvent this problem, but none of
these solve your problem. If you assign a percentage width/height to
an img, AFAIK the percentage-value is calculated relative to the
original size of the image. That means that it won't solve your
problem too.

What you could do is using an img-tag and caculate the width by
Javascript and assign a value in px.

But a much better solution would be to let the sunset just cover about
1024px and use either the method Ingo proposed or the small-pic with
gradient method. You could even nest two divs and use two
background-images, the sunset fixed and a small one repeated which
composes a nice effect.


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