Hi all,

Now we are getting to the core of it! What we need is ISO standardisation for web development! Something like the famous ISO 9000. Quality Control!

I an hoping that is an ironic exclamation mark.

If you want to be a Quality Accredited web development business, you need to follow a strict line of internationally recognised standards. Of course you can go off track and do the usual shabby invalid HTML crap, but for the
serious people an ISO is the perfect solution.

for very wealthy organisations ISO9000 is a ludicrous amount of paperwork required to pick up certain government contracts and so on, excluding many smaller providers. It's the last thing the web needs IMO.
BTW, there is an ISO version of HTML if you really want to use it.

The beauty of the web is its bottom up nature

You can largely do automated testing for quality - valid CSS, HTML, WAI compliance - using open source tools, for free.

All I can say is, based on a lot of recent auditing, quality of this nature is exceedingly rare in major Australian sites.

You'll hear more about that at WE045


John Allsopp

style master :: css editor :: http://westciv.com/style_master
support forum ::  http://support.westciv.com
blog :: dog or higher :: http://blogs.westciv.com/dog_or_higher

Web Essentials web development conference http://we05.com

The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

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