On Sep 29, 2005, at 11:52 AM, Anders Nawroth wrote:

Conditional comments are IE statements that say if ie6 use this additional CSS file, if IE5Mac, use this style sheet, if neither: ignore this statement.

Conditional comments are Windows-only, unfortunately.

Conditional comments are valid comments. I think hacks are more treacherous than structuring your comments to activate an IE-only property in a way that is deliberate on the part of the browser developer (and therefore supported, and therefore future-secure if not future-proof). But it does mean that a) you need to code first for standards, and send IE a corrective stylesheet, and b) you need to markup the content to support it.

The only unavoidable downside I see is that it encourages bad browser sniffing behavior. I think the multitude of hacks out there encourage worse behavior.


    Ben Curtis : webwright
    bivia : a personal web studio
    v: (818) 507-6613

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