Drake, Ted C.  wrote:
> I think the future of CSS is not in hacks but looking seriously into
> using the conditional comments. I'm saying this as someone that is
> trying to figure out the best approach for retrofitting older
> conversions.

I rely heavily on Conditional Comments.
IMO, the easiest way to deal with browser bugs is to feed them not with
specific rules, but with specific styles sheets.

This is how I build/split my sheets:
- I use @import and design for Firefox
- I use MS Conditional Comments to include fixes for the different IE/Win
versions (above v4).
- I use @import "cssFile.css" to take care of IE5 Mac.
- If I decide to support NN4, then I use JS to write a link to a styles
sheet (CSS doesn't work without JS in NN4)

For me the main advantage of these branching techniques is that I do not
take the risk of breaking one browser while trying to fix another. Also,
because it eliminates the need for CSS hacks, my sheets are free of cryptic

Thierry | www.TJKDesign.com

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