Thierry Koblentz wrote:
IMO, hasLayout is a tough concept to grab. I think experiencing the result of the implementation of this fix is enough feedback for most people. It works or it doesn't.

You sure got that wrong. Please, don't repeat it to others - they may
believe you.

AFAIK, understanding the concept doesn't make this fix more successful ;)

I can agree on that point, but for a different reason.
The 'concept' *is* easy to understand, and fixes *should* either work or
not work.
However, it is not that simple, as one also have to know (not
understand) something about the many bugs the MS-staff managed to build
into that 'concept', if some degree of success with *any combination* of
fixes should be assured.

The 'link-title comment' in your article seems to discard this simple
fact completely, and that's not helpful to most people.

IE7 is not here yet and we already know that it has a (reliable) built-in filter. Isn't great?!

No, it means they are able to release yet another broken browser in need
of fixes, by design. Nothing great about that.
The subject of your article won't suffer though. :-)

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