On 01/11/05, kvnmcwebn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I told them that they need to start with
> web standards and get thier pages to validate before they start on
> accessability.
> Was that sound advice?

Well, while validation might not be seen as technically essential to
accessibility, I'd say that this is still sound advice. Reason being,
although when they say "accessibility" they are probably thinking of
screen readers and users who can't use a mouse, accessibility also
includes being able to access the information and basic functionality
of a site in numerous browsing devices. Validation won't always get
you that without a hitch, but it certainly puts you a long way towards
that goal.

Besides, since I'm assuming you'll be developing with standards in
mind, it may as well be going into something that's standard. :)

Not sure if any of that made any sense. It's been a long day.


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