Donna Jones wrote:

... I'm afraid the budget is eaten up by the PR firm and so the NP is "feeling badly" that I'm in the position, once again, of donating a lot of my time. Ideally, in their view, i think, they'd like for me to say, "yes, the PR's code is great and groovy and I'll continue maintenance, updating, no problem .... " I've created a bit of a dilemna because i can't, won't, do that ...

I've been put in similar position by non-profit. I was their webmaster for many years and volunteered my every minute of my time. When they received a large grant for technologies improvements, I asked if I could put in a bid. After spending a some time developing a detailed bid, the process became stalled and I never got the opportunity to even place a bid. I later found out that they contracted a firm in which someone on the board of directors knew or at least I believe so (the details are sketchy).

In the end, I felt very used as a volunteer. I recommend that anybody who volunteers for a non-profit, discuss ownership of code/designs when you volunteer. I was happy that I was able put a co-copyright on the website and in files. If problems arise, things resolve more easily because of that.

Anyways, I wanted to say that you've not created a dilemma for yourself. Maybe this is just life saying you need to move on to newer and better things -- even though this still might feel near and dear to you. If you still want to volunteer your time, find a struggling non-profit that means someone to you and especially one that doesn't have website or has a poor one. Best of luck during this process for you Donna...


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