
Thanks for the example, but while it displays according to my example, it's not what I'm looking for. (I guess my example assumed too much intuition as to what I was trying to obtain).

Here's where your example fails (and perhaps better illustrates the problem I'm trying to resolve).

If I make each column a different color, they show up as three different heights.

Try to imagine col 1 is red and has a left menu, col 2 is white and is the main content area and col 3 is blue and a right menu (or something) and the body is green.

I need to be able to put different amounts of content from page to page in the main text column and have all three be the same height as the center one from page to page without going to 100% height. (Fixed width, centered box that grows in height according to its content).

A table will do this.

Terrance Wood suggested this:

Here's an easy solution: don't create designs that look like they're from 1998 (e.g the 2-col cnet yellow stripe and it's ilk)... there are so many
more creative and useful possiblities once you get past that design

For the record: I am past 1998 in my designs, but as I mentioned earlier, I don't do designs from 1998 because I want to, I have some clients who want that look.

Should I tell them to go somewhere else?

Plus I don't want to get into the quirks of clients in this thread, I'd like to concentrate on finding a solution to a real problem that is as reliable (browser-wise) and as easy to implement as it is with a table,

In other words, Terrance, the goal is a design as described above and the solution can't be change the design, but has to be: attain the design without a table. If it can't be done, I'd like to see a humble admission from the non-table people that maybe there is an instance in the real world where a table is not only OK, but probably THE solution so I can fell less "unpure":-} about using a table to solve my problem.


Bob Schwartz wrote:
I had hoped for some real "solutions" when I posted my original two cents, but none came. I can only conclude there are none, yet.

I did think more than Rimantas would pop-up with a quick answer for your question, Bob:

Which browser can correctly render the following:
3 columns, no height defined and a background color different from that of the body
in column 1 goes a 1000px high image
in column 2 goes a 750px high image
in column 3 goes a 500px high image
the end result should be that all three columns are the same height
in other words:
below the image in column 1, no background color shows
below the image in column 2, 250px of background color shows
below the image in column 3, 500px of background color shows

My response (just for the record!) has a problem displaying the background colour on Netscape 4.78 and Netscape 6.2 (as far as I can tell via Browsercam), but otherwise rendering is pretty similar:

<div id="container">
  <div class="column">
    <img src="notableimg.jpg" height="1000" width="100" alt="" />

  <div class="column">
    <img src="notableimg.jpg" height="750" width="100" alt="" />

  <div class="column">
    <img src="notableimg.jpg" height="500" width="100" alt="" />

* { margin:0; padding:0; }
body { background-color:#ff0; }
#container { width:90%; background-color:#fff; float:left; margin- left:5%; _margin-left:2.5%; }
.column { float:left; width:33%; text-align:center; }
.column img { display:block; margin:0 auto; }

Have a look at <>

Unfortunately, due to the behaviour of our good buddy PC IE, an extra hack is called for (the '_margin-left: 2.5%;')

I thought someone else might as well answer your request! ;)




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