Thomas Livingston said:
> On Dec 15, 2005, at 4:22 PM, Terrence Wood wrote:
>> encouraging your clients to look to other
>> design solutions that don't reply on the use of tables for layout
> This is just completely unrealistic.

What???? It's unrealistic to advise your clients? Not in my world, my friend.

> First, don't submit a design that you can't build.

So true.

> Otherwise, if you are not the designer, and have no choice but to build
> the design the client wants/approved, then you're stuck.

How can you be stuck without a choice? Would you not at least alert them
(clients or peers) to the fact that a better solution may exist?

> The client, in the _vast_ majority of cases, is not going to care how
> you build anything.

Exactly, because they are not designers or developers, and that is the
crux of my point.

> Just build the site he/she wants. Period.

I've noticed over the years that I am acutally a better designer than my
clients, just as my clients know more about fiscal policy, running an
army, and rocket science for example. Clients don't always want, or know,
what's good for them - simply because their expertise lies elsewhere -
that's why design is a profession... or at the very least a professional
service... and not a service industry. "Would you like a MacDesign(tm)
with that?". That's why we acutally have jobs and the web is not made up
soley of pdf's, Word as HTML, and sites that look like Jacob's AlertBox.

> But in my world, if the client approved a design,
> we have to build it _somehow_.

Clearly, we live in different worlds. Get in early. Even if you only come
in at the end of the project, how can your designers get
difficult-to-implement designs approved? Don't let the client (or your
peers) make mistakes - "Yes, I'll have a MacDesign(tm), be sure to give me
lot's of blinking text, a yellow stripe on the side, and a skip intro with
some pumping drum'n'bass."

It is up to us to share our knowledge, make informed decisions, and offer
professional advice to our clients and our colleagues.

We don't have 2c in NZ, and 5c is being phased out so this will have to be
my 10c rant.

kind regards
Terrence Wood.

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