In a nutshell, a pattern is a "a problem which occurs over and over again … and … the core of the solution to that problem". When we build sites, unconsciously we use patterns all the time - it's just very little work has been done trying to capture and document them. That's what I've started to do.

 I've started with site level patterns.

I'm really interested in the thoughts of all developers about the patterns which we use, so if you have a moment please come along, and contribute your thoughts and experience


Keep in mind I am just a student, but isn't something that describes it at site level more a framework rather than a pattern?

From Wikipedia "A design pattern isn't a finished design that can be transformed directly into code <>; it is a description or template for how to solve a problem that can be used in many different situations. ".

Isn't a pattern usually a description of how to solve generic complex issues, such as dynamic binding?

But an academic course page can't be used in a e-commerce store. It's quite specific for a particular area.

Again from Wikipedia, "a Framework can be considered as the processes and technologies used to solve a complex issue. It is the skeleton upon which various objects are integrated for a given solution."

So the description for the academic course page is more skeleton like which allowed integration with other various objects, and thus more framelike?

Point out to me where I have gone wrong.


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