
on Thursday, December 22, 2005 at 10:03 wsg@webstandardsgroup.org wrote:

> I am working on a page that involves with hundred of address in
> different locations/cities. What is the best way to do?
> unordered list,  definition list  or  table data?

> I am thinking to make two columns for address. Did a similar page  
> sometimes ago with unordered list with two columns floated, because  
> some address are 4 lines, some are 3, the result wasn't good.

The markup of addresses has been discussed earlier on this list. One
thread was this:


I think you should base your decision on what the user needs to do
with this list of addresses. If he has to search for a person, I would
probably choose a sorted table.

If it is a list of addresses, which doesn't need to be searched or which
represents a hierarchical order, I'd choose an unordered list with
each address marked up like this:

<dl class="address">
    <dt class="person">Name</dt>
    <dd class="street">Street Number</dd>
    <dd class="city">ZIP City<dd>
    <dd class="country">Country</dd>

(I don't like the address tag, because it can only be used with inline

Probably there will be a better microformat for this, but I don't have
the time to search for one now. Take a look at www.microformats.org

But probably the near future will bring us a pattern for marking up
addresses at John Allsopp's www.webpatterns.org




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