Hassan Schroeder wrote:
Felix Miata wrote:

When your page respects the user's decision what size fonts are most
appropriate for him, your page needs no resizer, because the user won't
need to again resize just for having visited your page. He's presumably
already done that in his browser.

..which is the utterly erroneous presumption upon which the entire
argument fails :-)

To use similarly strong wording, I sense an utterly erroneous presumpton that the designer knows best what suits people they have never met. People who have totally different combinations of vision, equipment, software and experience in using it.

As long as we have web designers who want to control everything and force their own preferences on everybody else, this argument will remain, long after my children have become grandparents.

For what it's worth, yes, I am guilty of adjusting font sizes too. And yes, I find that I often have to adjust my browser settings (usually making text larger as my vision is not that good) because other designers have gone even further than I have in this regard.

Bert Doorn, Better Web Design
Fast-loading, user-friendly websites

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