On 2/18/06, Vincent HasselgÄrd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My argument:
> Newspapers comes out with fixed font-size, but people who's got low vision
> may very easily use a spyglass to read easier. People in need of a spyglass
> gets themselves one. The same thing applies to web and computers, it's just
> that not all people are aware of the invention of digital spyglasses.
> Solution: Spread the word of this invention.

Give a man (or woman) a fish, and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to
fish, and he'll be fed for a lifetime.

How many websites do we come across with some Java or server-side
option to increase text size? It's almost as common as the XHTML and
CSS validator links. Is it really useful? No, not really... how about
if these sites had a link to a page that explained how to increase
font-sizes in various browsers, use zoom options, etc? This is a lot
better, because then your users know how to use your site better as
well as all the other sites they encounter. Basically, they're fed for
a lifetime.

As an aside, I think it's useful for sites to have options to change
the colors or fonts of the layout, but not just to increase font size.
Many of them only increase the font size by a very small amount

Christian Montoya
christianmontoya.com ... rdpdesign.com ... cssliquid.com
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