At 5/25/2007 03:10 PM, Christian Montoya wrote:
>The point that Felix is making is that
>setting the body to something small like 62.5% is very destructive,
>since user stylesheets and user settings usually just override the
>body rule (and ruin all your specific rules).

On 5/25/07, Paul Novitski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
"ruin"?  Wouldn't it just make everything larger if they overrode the
stylesheet with, say, body {font-size: 100%}?

At 5/25/2007 06:16 PM, Christian Montoya wrote:
It can ruin text if it means that things suddenly get much bigger than
the user or designer ever expected and (sometimes) breaks out of
containers. If I enforce 18px as a default because I have a high
resolution display and no elegant way of scaling fonts, I would expect
all text to be just a step larger than the default 16px that most
users at 96 dpi would get. But then you are talking about a page where
the default was intended to start at 10px getting enlarged by a factor
of 1.4, for example, on a container, and with my default of 18px
suddenly I'm getting 25 or 26 px, much much bigger than what I wanted
and bigger than what the designer expected. That's ruined in my book.

IMO it's not hard to just leave the default body size alone and size
from there, which is why I do that in my own stylesheets.

OK, I'm being persuaded.

I have a high resolution display and no elegant way of scaling fonts

Do you mean no elegant way to scale them in a user stylesheet or no elegant way to scale them in real time, e.g. with a mouse wheel? In either case I'm curious for an elaboration on this. (I assume you're talking about a hypothetical user here and not yourself...)



Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.

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