Designer wrote:
> Sparked partly by the recent discussions on elasticity, I've been
> attempting to put together a 'template', based on em's and with a
> max-width.  I've used an expression for max-width in IE <7 (pinched
> from Georg!). I've tested it in FF1.5, IE6 IE7, Opera 9, and Netscape
> 4.02.
> [....]

Felix Miata wrote:
> is the same
> basic layout, but without breaking IE's font resizer [...]

As Felix points out, your current template breaks IE's built-in font resizer
(View -> Text Size -> Larger/Largest).  This problem is caused by your
definition of the default body text size as 14px.  The use of “px”
measurements for font sizes is not scalable under Microsoft Internet

Here is the specific line in your CSS file that is causing this problem:
html>body { font-size : 14px; }

In terms of standards, using a px-based measurement is not technically
against the font and unit guidelines of the W3C Web Content Accessibility
Guidelines version 1.0, since the error is actually caused by Internet
Explorer’s misunderstanding of px units.  But since the W3C WCAG also
recommends testing with actual users of actual browsers, then the use of
px-based font sizes becomes an identifiable barrier for users of Internet
Explorer, and so ends up as something that goes against the WCAG in the end.

To resolve this issue, you should use a different kind of relative font
measurement (like em or percentage), or better, leave the default body font
size untouched -- you’ve already set the body font size to a percentage
value in your body { font-size } setting anyways.


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