I almost cannot believe I'm joining this conversation but...

Come on. It's pretty obvious what the fieldset tag is intended for, just as the legend tag. Picking apart the descriptions written by people to describe what they are in exact legal translation is rather pointless. Certainly loopholes are apparent in the language used in the specs, just as there are loopholes in the application of the tags in a document.

CAN you use a fieldset legend to break up and organize content? Sure you can. Its looks kinda nice on screen, doesn't it....

SHOULD you do that? Well to follow recommended standards, no but....most users won't email you complaining about it, will they? Chances are, if you do choose that path, one day down the road you'll probably feel sheepish about the decision you made, even if only in the company of the group's zealots.

Rules are meant to be understood and for the most part followed. Sometimes they're meant to be bent/broken a little, when it comes to document design, occasionally the ends can justify the means.

Would I do it? No. The visual effect you are hoping to achieve is easy enough to do. It's just a box with a heading after all.

My 2 cents,

*Joseph R. B. Taylor*
Sites by Joe, LLC
/Custom Web Design & Development/
Phone: (609) 335-3076
www.sitesbyjoe.com <http://www.sitesbyjoe.com>

Nick Gleitzman wrote:

On 5 Jun 2007, at 11:41 AM, Lucien Stals wrote:

...the fieldset itself can contain anything...

Huh? Where in the spec does it say that?!

And why would you want to use something for which it's not intended? It would surely, at best, be semantically confusing.

Some legacy code I just picked up contains multiple instances of this, and other equally dubious logic:

<span style="font-weight: bold;">blah</span>

What's wrong with <b></b>? (OK, it should be <strong></strong>, but this is an old page without even a DOCTYPE - presumably from the good ol' days of HTML3.2)

Similarly, why use a <fieldset> when a simple <div> will do?

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