On 5 Jun 2007, at 3:34 PM, Jackie Reid wrote:

The fact the validator passed it also seemed to me to say that it could be used in this way. If <fieldset> can't be used this way why does it pass validation?

Forgot this point: valid doesn't mean correct, or sensible. It's really easy to write code that validates, but which is semantic rubbish. The Validator is a great tool for checking the correctness of markup, but it can't interpret context - it's just a dumb piece of software.

Oh, and while we're talking semantics: "fieldset" = "set of fields" - doesn't it?

Comes back to those tables again. You can - they'll validate just fine, if you do 'em right. But does that mean you should? How robust will your markup be, over time and across technologies?

omnivision. websight.

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