Tee G. Peng wrote:
In this page I have the photo placed in body background with fixed position. When fontsize enlarge, the bottom part of the photo shows the background color which is fine because I intentionally wanted it appears as if it's part of the design, however when fontsize reduces, the footer moves up as expected, but I want to make the bottom part of photo moves up with the footer.

I can't think of a way to make it happens. Can it be done with CSS?


login: public/public



Hi Tee,
nice looking page! It doesn't get a vertical scroll bar though (firefox 2 latest)... could you attach the background image to the bottom of the main content area as opposed to a fixed position on the body? that way it would move up if the text size was reduced.

One other thing I noticed was when you hover the large links they change height slightly, looks nice but when you hover just on the edge you get some mad flickering. You could maintain the height by replacing the padding with a transparent border.

hope that makes sense


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